Financial Aid
All families seeking financial aid must complete an online application through Blackbaud Financial Aid Management. BLACKBAUD provides TREE a need-based financial aid analysis service that ensures that our process for establishing financial need adheres to nationally established standards of best practices. The BLACKBAUD program is flexible in terms of the information it will accommodate, thus allowing families to represent their own particular circumstances accurately. BLACKBAUD provides 24/7 support to ease the online application process.
Please supply BLACKBAUD with any documentation they request as any delays in submitting your documents can significantly delay your TREE application process.
BLACKBAUD emails may be sorted into your spam/junk e-mail file. Please take all necessary steps to avoid missing any important emails from them by adding them to your contacts.
Your completed online BLACKBAUD application, along with a copy of your current 2021 federal tax return, a copy of your W-2's, and a signed (but undated) IRS Form 4506 will also need to be submitted before we consider your application for financial aid. If you have more than one child at the school, only one BLACKBAUD application is required.