High School Alternative Track
Students who do not plan to move on to a four year academic institution after graduating from TREE Academy may elect to take an alternative path to receiving a California High School Certificate. Students must receive parent / guardian permission to take this track and must meet with the Dean of Students and Head of School to be approved for alternate coursework. In addition to these requirements, students will still be required to complete the TREE Specific Graduation Requirements, as listed below.
History /
Social Science
3 years
3 years
2 years
Laboratory Science
Foreign Language or Visual & Performing Arts
2 years
1 year
1 year of U.S. history and geography
1 year of World History, Culture, and Geography 1 semester of American Government & Civics
1 semester of economics
Algebra I
*Students who successfully complete Algebra l in middle school much still complete a minimum of two years of mathematics in high school
Biological Science
Physical Science
Either Visual & Performing Arts, Foreign Language, or Career Technical Education
Physical Education
2 years