With a vision for creating a school that focused on individual students rather than an "average" student -- which in truth doesn't exist -- it is our intent to provide a new approach that celebrates self-discovery, diversity, creativity, intellectual inquiry and academic achievement… MEET A FOUNDER.

Dr. Paul Cummins, Co-Founder, and Senior Seminar English Teacher at TREE Academy, received his bachelor of arts from Stanford University, his MAT from Harvard, and his doctorate from the University of Southern California. In 1971, he co-founded Crossroads School in Santa Monica and built it into one of Los Angeles’ most successful educational institutions and a national model for innovative, independent schools.
In 1995, Cummins stepped down as Headmaster of Crossroads and formed New Visions Foundation (now Coalition for Engaged Education) to offer opportunities for an Engaged Education to all youth. The first venture was New Roads School, a diverse, independent school in Santa Monica. He co-founded six schools in all, and has implemented a number of innovative programs in Los Angeles to help children at risk.
Cummins has published four books on education, including Proceed With Passion: Engaging Students in Meaningful Education (2004), and Confessions of a Headmaster (2015).
Cummins and his wife Mary Ann reside in Santa Monica. They have four daughters and five grandchildren.