Student Devices & Electronic Accounts
TREE Academy Acceptable Use of Technology
Technology has become an indispensable part of education and learning. All students must review and sign the TREE Responsible Use Policy, along with their parent/guardian in order to access our digital resources.We encourage responsible use of technology to support achievement of learning goals, following the guidelines below.
Educational Focus: Use personal devices and school-provided internet access primarily for educational purposes, such as research, assignments, and projects. Engage in online learning platforms, educational apps, and research tools that support your academic growth.
Respectful Communication: Communicate with teachers and peers using school email or approved platforms, ensuring that all interactions are respectful and constructive.
Use technology to collaborate on group projects, participate in class discussions, and share ideas effectively.
Protecting Privacy: Keep personal information private. Do not share passwords, addresses, or other sensitive information online. Respect the privacy of others by not accessing, sharing, or altering another student’s work or accounts.
Digital Citizenship: Practice good digital citizenship by thinking critically about the information you find online and giving proper credit to original sources. Report any inappropriate content or behavior encountered online to a teacher or staff member immediately.
Personal Computer
Students will need to bring their own personal laptop device and charger to be used for school work. Students who bring their own devices are expected to abide by TREE’s personal device policy which includes utilizing GoGuardian and the Chrome browser. Using a personal computer is a privilege. If a student is using their personal computer inappropriately or for non-academic purposes in class, they may lose that privilege.
Cell Phone Policy
Research continues to mount on the detrimental effect of cell phone use in schools on the development of young brains with clear impacts on: focus, school performance, mental health and well being, social interactions, and cyberbullying. TREE’s commitment to enforcing our policy centers the value of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies and our commitment to help students regain skills that may have been diminished due to excessive cell phone use.
Enforcement Policy
Students are required to keep their cell phones turned off and stowed away during school hours. Students are encouraged to leave their phones at home or in their car.
Cell phone use will be permitted only before and after school.
In case of emergencies, parents and guardians can contact the school office, and students will have access to school phones if necessary.
If a student is found using their cell phone during school hours, it will be confiscated and sent to the Front Office, where it may be retrieved at the end of the school day.
If a student has their cell phone taken away more than three times, a parent/guardian will be notified to retrieve the phone following a meeting with an administrator on campus for each subsequent infraction.
Learn more about the reasoning behind our cell phone policy.
Student Google Accounts
Each student at TREE will be provided with their own Google Apps account, which includes an email address and Google Drive and Apps access. Please be advised that TREE accounts are the property of TREE Academy and should never be used for personal, confidential, or otherwise sensitive information. TREE email accounts are to be used exclusively for school and school-related matters and are subject to inspection and monitoring. TREE Academy reserves the right to review the contents and/or use of these accounts at any time, and at our sole discretion.